
If you are considered a minor in your country of residence, you must obtain the appropriate permissions and releases from your parent or legal guardian to join

Photo Upload, Photo Sharing and Comment Posting Rules

  1. Members get up to 500MB of free space to upload their personal closet and fashion related photos.
  2. If we find that you are uploading and sharing commercial fashion items for commercial reasons, we will require you to sign up for the Business account. For rates and more information, contact us at
  3. Photos that are non-related to your closet items or fashion are STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED and will be removed without prior notice to you. These are some examples of photos that are not allowed on
      1. Photos of pets, photos of your little toddler friends (yes they are cute and we love them but is not the right place for them)
      2. Photos or content of pornographic nature
      3. Children's fashion (we may have a portal dedicated to Children's closet and fashion in the future)
      4. Men's fashion (we may have a portal dedicated to Men's closet and fashion in the future)

  4. When you decide to share your photos with fellow members, you are also allowing them to use your photos to create styles. If members like your shared item and share that through their Facebook account, your shared photo and Profile Name will appear on their Facebook wall. If you wish to remain anonymous for privacy concerns, do not use your real name as your Profile Name and do not use a photo of yourself as your Profile Picture.
  5. Be nice, treat fellow members with respect. Do not call names. Should you disagree with someone else's opinion, settle the argument maturely. Strong profanity, cursing, racist remarks, derogatory remarks and personal attacks WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!
  6. Should you have a problem with a member or post, send the member a Private Message or optionally, report the post to a using the 'Report This' link.
  7. Keep threads on topic. Start threads in the most appropriate categories. administrators reserve the rights to move your discussion to the appropriate section.
  8. Observe all Copyright Laws and NDA's when posting copyrighted material. If the material belongs to someone else, please credit the original author.
  9. Do not post materials if you do not have permission to distribute them electronically or otherwise. This includes posting images directly from a website (hotlinking). Please make use of the image attachment function to share such materials with the community.
  10. No shouting (excessive use of capitalized letters).
  11. Posting in English only.
  12. Discussion or promotion of other online forums or groups is prohibited.

Buying and Selling at Clozette Bazaar

  • Members are allowed to sell their personal Closet Items at the Clozette Bazaar only.
  • Members are allowed to sell women related fashion and accessory items only.
  • Product listing by Blogshops at the Clozette Bazaar is currently free of charge.
  • Soliciting your items for sale via Comments, Forums, Private Message and anywhere outside of Clozette Bazaar is not allowed.
  • Clozette Bazaar is a marketplace for members to sell, buy or swap new or pre-owned fashion items. Clozette Bazaar provides a platform to facilitate selling and buying information exchange between members. Clozette is not responsible for the actual transaction between members and will not be liable for any loss of money, goodwill or consequential damages arising from the use of Clozette Bazaar.
  • Do your part to make the experience at Clozette Bazaar fun and exciting. Exercise caution as you would in all members marketplace. Make an informed purchase decision.
  • No Replicas Please! Support the designers, don't sell or buy fakes here. Clozette reserves the right to removed non-compliant listings without prior notice to you.
  • If you would like to use to formally promote and run a campaign for your fashion related business, please contact us at

Breaking any of the above listed rules can result in the loss of posting privileges and loss of your account. We also reserve the right to ban any user, at any time, and for any reason. Any content found to be in violation will be deleted without warning or explanation. We reserve the right to edit, reprint, distribute, or delete any posting and shared photos for any reason and without prior notification or explanation to the author.

Clozette Pte Ltd and its representatives will not be held liable for the result of the usage of any information provided in, and disclaim all liability resulting in the use of the posted information. Clozette Pte Ltd takes no responsibility for the content of any of the messages posted in or of the authenticity of its authors. All opinions and views expressed in are solely those of their respective authors and are not necessarily those of Clozette Pte Ltd its representatives.

We reserve the right to change the aforementioned rules at any time without warning or notice.

Sorry we have so many rules but its our passion to make fashion fun & inspiring - so do your part!